Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) and Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay (CRDP)

About CRSC and CRDP
Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay (CRDP) are programs created by Congress to allow eligible Military Retirees to receive monthly entitlements in addition to retired pay. CRSC is a special compensation for Combat-Related Disabilities. It is non-taxable, and Retirees must apply to their Branch of Service to receive it. CRDP is a Restoration of Retired Pay for Retirees with Service-Connected Disabilities. It is taxed in the same manner as your retired pay, and it is normally considered taxable income. No application is required. Eligible retirees receive CRDP automatically. The purpose of these entitlements is to recover some or all of the retired pay that Military Retirees waive for VA Disability Compensation. For more information about CRDP and CRSC, click on the link below: