Reporting A Veteran's Death

Steps To Reporting A Veteran's Death
The first steps to receiving assistance and benefits for a Veteran's death is to report it to the appropriate agencies below:
Social Security Administration (SSA) 1-800-772-1213
The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) 1-800-538-9552
Defense Finance & Accounting Services (DFAS) Retired Casualty Section (If Veteran was a retiree) 1-888-332-7411
The Office of Personnel Management (If Veteran was also a current or retired Federal civilian employee) 1-888-767-6738
Veterans Benefits Administration (If Veteran was receiving disability compensation or a pension) 1-800-827-1000
Veterans Administration (VA) (If Veteran was enrolled in a VA sponsored life insurance policy) 1-800-669-8477
Veterans Administration (VA) (If Veteran was a retiree enrolled in the Servicemember's Group Life Insurance plan) 1-800-419-1473
Linked Up Church (If Veteran was a member of the Church) (404) 334-0336
If the deceased Veteran is a member (or the relative of a member) of the "Vets In The Know" Connect Group or a member (or the relative of a member) of Linked Up Church, notify this Connect Group of his or her death via the Contact page on this website. Provide your name, email address and in the message field provide the deceased Veteran's full name and branch of service. We will honor those deceased Veterans by posting their names on the "Vets In The Know" Memorial Wall page of this website.