How To Request Military Treatment Records, VA Claims File & FOIA Request

VA Form 20-10206 (Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act (PA)
(Request – Records Request)
The VA has instituted a new policy for requesting individual records. Veterans must now use VA Form 20-10206, when requesting their VA Claims File (C-File), Service Treatment Records/Military Treatment Records, DD form 214 and/or Compensation and Pension Examination Records. This form must be signed by the requester or third-party authorized to act on behalf of the requester.
In Section III: Records You are Seeking, select the type(s) of records you are requesting.
What is a FOIA Request? A FOIA request provides the public the right to request access to records from Federal agencies, except those protected by the nine FOIA exemptions. For additional information, vist:
What is a PA Request? A citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence may request access to or amendment of records on herself/himself from a System of Records (SORs). Examples of PA records are personal Claims Files (C-Files), educational loan, and beneficiary records. For additional information, visit:
Mail or fax VA Form 20-10206 to Department of Veterans Affairs, Evidence Intake Center, P.O. Box 4444, Janesville, WI 53547-4444. Fax Number: TOLL FREE: 844-822-5246 or COMM: (248) 524-4260. You now have the option to send your request as an electronic submission to: FOIA,