Requesting Military Personnel Records

How To Request NPRC Military Personnel Records
Have you lost your military service records, medical records, personnel records, or records of awards and medals earned? Are you a family member seeking information about the military service of a next-of-kin? To find out how to request information and what forms you will need to fill out, click on the link below.
Requesting Military Personnel Records from the NPRC, using Standard Form 180 (Request Pertaining to Military Records): Instructions on how to obtain and complete a SF-180 and a download for the form can be obtained, by clicking on the link below.
Mail completed SF180 to: National Personnel Records Center, 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138 or you can fax SF180 to: 314-801-9195 and the NPRC will respond in writing by U.S. Mail.
The National Archives online program eVetRecs is the fastest method for requesting service information and can be accessed, by clicking on the link below.
Remember: your military records are normally free to request from the Federal Government, companies that advertise copies of your DD-214 or military records for a fee are scams.