AFCEA War Veterans Scholarship

About AFCEA War Veterans Scholarship
AFCEA War Veterans Scholarship ($2,500): is awarded by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA). It provides financial relief to active duty uniformed military service members as well as honorably discharged veterans that served in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The scholarship is open twice a year, and provides merit-based scholarships of $2,500. The primary stipulation is the veteran must be enrolled in an accredited STEM-related degree program at an accredited 4 year college or university. Qualified applicants must be a U.S. citizen, a sophomore or junior at the time of application, have either part time or full time status at a four-year university, have served in Afghanistan and/or Iraq War, and have an overall GPA of 3.0. Additionally, you must provide proof that you served in the form of a DD214 or Certificate of Service. Lastly, you must be majoring in any one of the following related degree programs: Biometry/Biometrics, Computer Engineering, Computer Forensics Science, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Computer Systems, Cybersecurity, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Geospatial Science, Information Science, Information Technology, Information Resource Management, Intelligence, Mathematics, Network Engineering, Network Security, Operations, Research, Physics, Robotics Engineering, Robotics Technology, Statistics, Strategic Intelligence, and Telecommunications Engineering. To learn more about AFCEA War Veterans Scholarship, click on the link below: