Intent To File A Claim

About Intent To File A Claim

If you plan to file a claim for disability, pension, or DIC benefits and you notify us of your intent to file, it sets a potential start date (or effective date) for your benefits. When you do this, you may be able to get retroactive payments (compensation that starts at a point in the past).  This is because your start date for benefits will be earlier than the date you file your claim.  To submit an Intent to File a Claim for Compensation and/or Pension, or Survivors Pension and/or DIC, use VA Form 21-0966 (Intent to File a Claim for Compensation and/or Pension, or Survivors Pension and/or DIC). To learn more about Intent To File, click on the link below:

To download VA Form 21-0966 Intent To File A Claim And / Or Pension, Or Survivors Pension And / Or DIC, click on the link below:


