S.I.N.G. (Sponsorship In the Name of God) program is an auxiliary of "Vets in the Know" Connect Group. S.I.N.G. has been established by the leadership of "Vets in the Know" Connect Group to fully sponsor or partially supplement the cost of the many programs, workshops, theatrical presentations, musical productions and field trips offered by Linked Up Church. Primarily for members of the church who are military veterans, spouses, widows, caregivers or dependents that are in need of financial assistance to attend any "fee based" church function; and secondarily for any non-veteran associated church members needing such assistance . Holding anonymity as our priority the identity of any donor will be optional and the identity of any veteran, veteran's family, or any church member sponsored along with the amount sponsored will never be revealed (except to the concerned parties of "Vet's in the Know" S.I.N.G. Leaders and authorized entities of Linked Up Church.)
How Do I Donate To S.I.N.G.?
"Vets In the Know" Connect Group accepts bank to bank donations to S.I.N.G. via "Zelle" by sending funds directly to recipient email:
or to mobile phone number:
(770) 823-0172.
When paying by Zelle a donor should be sure to mark the donation as "SING Donation" on the line designated, "What Is This For?".
To simplify the raising of donations to S.I.N.G. , "Vets in the Know" Connect Group has also created. a Spotfund account that is linked directly to the connect group's banking institution. To access the S.I.N.G. Spotfund Account scan the QR Code:

Or... click on the seal below:

The S.I.N.G. DONOR (Scan & Give Card) was created to promote the visibility of the Vets In The Know S.I.N.G. program and to encourage & increase donations into the "Sponsorship In the Name of God" Spotfund account that finances 100% of the program's sponsorships. These light blue cards are issued to willing Vets in the Know (LUC) members and distributed by them to potential donors. There is a QR Code linked directly to the "Sponsorship In the Name of God" Spotfund Account which will make it simple for donors to access the Spotfund's secured website and safely give.
About RAK CARD (Random Acts of Kindness)